A response to functional disorders of the human body

Treatment of functional disorders in Lausanne - Cabinet Ann Sheppard

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that addresses functional disorders of the human body. Osteopaths use their hands to determine the state of various systems in the human body (articular, visceral, cranial and energy) to work out the right treatment plan.


From a philosophical viewpoint, osteopaths are interested in the primary cause of symptoms, working with the different systems (articular, visceral, cranial, and energy). They establish symptoms within the person by taking a holistic view.

Osteopathy for babies, children and adults in Lausanne - Cabinet Ann Sheppard

Who benefits from osteopathy?

After paediatric examination to exclude organic disease, osteopaths can also find solutions for thesesymptoms in the infant.Osteopathy is intended for everyone from birth onwards, to regulate functional disorders.


Immediately after birth, babies may have functional disorders (congenital torticollis, digestive problems, sleep disorders) associated with their previous position inside the mother, delivery by caesarean section, forceps or ventouse, or a difficult birth.


After paediatric examination to exclude organic disease, osteopaths can also find solutions for thesesymptoms in the infant.


Growing children may have blockages that, given the great ability for adaptation, pass more or less unnoticed until the pain appears years later. Osteopaths work on re-balancing the body, working together with orthopaedic surgeons, paediatricians, physiotherapists, and dentists.


In adults, all functional disorders may present as problems in the musculoskeletal system (including low back pain, lumbago, sciatica, neck pain, and sprains), the visceral system (such as constipation or abdominal pain not related to a specific organ) the uro-gynaecological system (for example, recurrent urinary tract infections or painful periods) and the cranial system (migraine, earache, dizziness, etc.)

Cranial osteopathy in Lausanne - Cabinet Ann Sheppard

Cranial osteopathy

Craniosacral osteopathy can relieve conditions such as migraine, chronic sinusitis, recurrent headache, and bruxism (teeth grinding).

Osteopathic orthodontics in Lausanne - Cabinet Ann Sheppard

Osteopathy and orthodontics

It's worth having an osteopathic assessment for a child who needs to have orthodontic treatment. Blockages in the cranial sutures or malposition of the jaw in addition to static problems may affect the success of any orthodontic work carried out.

Make an appointment


L'ostéopathie est d'accès libre et ne fait pas partie de la LAMal. Le patient paie sa séance cash ou avec Twint, puis s'il a une assurance complémentaire, se la fait rembourser en fonction de son contrat.


Chacun peut librement et sans assurance s'offrir une séance d'ostéopathie pour améliorer sa qualité de vie. Je suis reconnue par le RME et l'ASCA. Pour les patients qui ont une assurance complémentaire, il est de leur responsabilité de se renseigner auprès d'elle si leur facture sera remboursée.


Depuis le 1er janvier 2019, suite à un différend avec Helsana et Progrès (assurances complémentaires), ses deux assurances ont décidé unilatéralement de pénaliser leurs clients, ils ne remboursent plus les séances effectuées dans mon cabinet. C'est aux clients d'Helsana de se défendre ou de changer de complémentaire.

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