Ann Sheppard & Hannes Gruppe welcome you to their practice for rehabilitation and rebalancing treatments
Osteopathic treatment for physical dysfunctions
Physiotherapists make it easier to reintegrate into daily life after illness, injury, or disability
As both osteopath and physiotherapist, I work to rehabilitate and rebalance functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. My osteopathic work includes rebalancing the energy system with a holistic approach to people as human beings.
Ann Sheppard, an osteopath who specialises in cranial osteopathy and energy osteopathy, as well as being a physiotherapist with a special interest in manual therapy (Swiss Association of Manual Therapy, SAMT), lymphatic drainage, and the Mézières method.
Hannes Gruppe, physiotherapist specialised in Maitland manual therapy and lymphatic drainage
Call us now: 021 646 70 70
Ann Sheppard
Avenue Alexandre-Vinet 19
1004 Lausanne